Genre: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller.
Question: Have you ever watched a movie by an actor you like and realize they are so good you want to see everything they do? Well, that happened with me with Liam Neeson after seeing "Taken".
I've watched his movies for years - starting with "Satisfaction" with Justine Bateman, and one of the first roles of Julia, it's been a long time, ya think? But something just clicked after "Taken". He was so good in that and I really, really liked the movie so when I saw a preview on a rental for "After.Life" I immediately put it on my queue without thought.
Um, not sure how I feel about him playing a sadistic character but he did it well. "After.Life" is a spooky tale that has you question what happens after death with Liam Neeson playing an undertaker who can talk to the dead. Christina Ricci plays his...client...victim...not sure what you want to call her but she is in his care for most of the movie.
Visually, it is a stunning movie. Red is vividly portrayed and used thoughtfully against all the bleak colors of the film. But since this is a thriller/mystery I don't want to say much more about the story. I'll let you see the twists and turns and the goose-bump inducing scenes. All I will say is that I liked it but once I finished it wasn't as good as I thought it could have been.
My favorite thing: the use of the color red.
My least favorite thing: a mistake that should have been corrected. See if you can spot it.
Sequel Possibility? Maybe.
Did the previews show too much? Nope.
Rating: R
Length: 104 minutes
Review: 6 out of 10
COMING SOON: "The Lincoln Lawyer" starring Matthew McConaughey