Starring Brian Cox and Paul Dano.
Genre: Drama
Question: If a movie made less than $50,000 would you automatically think it is a bad movie? I hope not because I just watched a fantastic movie called The Good Heart. It cost less than 4 million to make but it only brought in about $20,000.
One of the ToP? fans asked me to review The Good Heart recently so I added it to my queue. I think they may have asked because I have had some heart issues in the past and thought I might enjoy watching it. Well, forget my own health history; this is a movie for everyone. I really liked it.
Did you ever frequent a bar or pub, know all the regulars and the staff, and got annoyed by new comers or tourists who ventured into your bar? Also, do you like curmudgeons who run places like that? I do, and Brian Cox plays a good one. He is the owner of a bar in New York City and he has a bad heart. Paul Dano plays a homeless boy that he mentors to take over his bar because he has no one else to give it to. The relationship between the two men was great to watch but Brian Cox stole the show. He played the perfect crass, yet lovable, curmudgeon very, very well.
I noticed that I had a smile on my face for almost the entire movie because of the great character that Brian Cox brought to life. He is slowly but steadily moving up as one of my favorite character actors. I saw him recently in The Escapist
Rent or download this one and support the small, independent filmmakers so more great movies get made (and seen).
My favorite thing: Brian Cox and the dialogue he was given.
My least favorite thing: The kitten's fate.
Sequel Possibility? No - perfect wrapped up story.
Did the previews show too much? I never saw a preview - this was a request from a fan.
Rating: R
Length: 99 minutes
Review: 8 out of 10
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