Genre: Drama, Romance.
Question: Remember the date when you met the love of your life? Some romantic relationships start right away but there are those that have to ferment before they come to fruition. However, what happens when you become friends with them and they don't realize you're their soul-mate yet? Well, there is the real-life answer to that and then there is the movie version. Hollywood loves stories like this, don't they?
Okay, I watched One Day today and it shot me right back to my youth and this one particular guy in my life that I remained friends with... And that's all I will say about that. You all probably have that one person in your life that you were willing to sacrifice your passion for because the other doesn't quite see you that way... yet (hopefully). Well, that's One Day in a nutshell.
Two university grads, Emma and Dex, in Edinburgh meet on graduation day - a specific day to be exact and strike up a relationship that could have ended that day. However, fate steps in and veers the two in a direction of a great friendship even though there are feelings there. Over the course of the movie you see both living their lives, post graduation, finding their way (separately) but still in contact. It's called One Day because we see them connect via phone or in person on the same day of the year that they met. And that's it - no more details of the story because this one took a path that I wasn't expecting and want you to discover it on your own.
Let's talk about the actors. I am a fan of Anne Hathaway. I have to be; I have a daughter and Hathaway's early movies (The Princess Diaries 1 & 2 and Ella Enchanted) were played a lot over the past few years. Anyway, I enjoy watching Anne Hathaway (Emma) act and she was really good in One Day. She personified the typical female who is in love with her best friend, lost in her path of being an adult because she holds no confidence in herself all while struggling to understand the inevitable - that the guy will probably never realize she's the one. She particularly showed the angst of her unrequited love of Dex (played by Jim Sturgess) convincingly well. However, she was supposed to have a British accent but it went in and out. It really didn't bother me all that much though.
Although unfamiliar with any of his previous work, Jim Sturgess, Dex, did a good job at performing opposite of Anne Hathaway. Dex personified the bad boy character that is spoiled and thinks he deserves to have his cake and eat it too, no matter who gets hurt in the process. Sure, many romantic male leads share this persona but usually they have redeeming qualities revealed along the way to evoke some sort of sympathy. Except for his friendship with Emma, (and sometimes he didn't quite deserve it), I didn't see many likable qualities, however, that may have been the point. You will see.
Does this Hollywood story have a happy ending? Well, you know I am NOT going to tell you. I will say that I giggled a few times, cried a bit (okay, maybe one scene got me to cry a bit more) and I am still pondering the ending. One detail that I should mention: It's called One Day because the movie only reveals one day, the same date, each year. Yes, I mentioned this before but it was a little awkward at first because many things happen on other days of the year that you would expect to see in the film but are only mentioned or discussed later. It took some getting used now you know.
My favorite thing: That somethings only happen in the movies.
My least favorite thing: That somethings only happen in the movies.
Rating: PG-13
Length: 107 minutes
Review: 6 out of 10
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