Friday, May 27, 2011

New Logo

Hello ToP? fans:

Yesterday I couldn't really post a movie review due to a Blogger issue. But I won't complain....Instead, I took the time to really think about Tired of Previews? and how the overall site looked.

When I started my blog I didn't have a really clear vision of how it should look. The type of reviews I wanted to write was fairly clear though, so I focused my energy on that. For months I have shared with you my thoughts on movies in hopes that I have given you just enough information about each film to let you make your own decision about seeing it or not.

I am a visual person but it nagged me that I couldn't design the site better or have a decent logo. Luckily, I had a fan send in a logo idea for me recently -- it was great but looked too much like a specific movie. I showed it to my husband and we both agreed that it wasn't quite right. The logo needed to represent what my reviews stand for. Nothing came to my mind -- again. However, a few moments later, my husband emerged from his office and surprised me with his thoughts on how my logo should look. Voila!

Over the Summer I will be changing a few things around here and adding in this logo. It really sums up my philosophy about movie reviews, don't you think?

Well, today I am scheduled to see a movie that is currently in the theaters. Review to follow. Happy Memorial Day Weekend everyone!


Kimberly Gauthier, Dog Nutrition Blogger for Keep the Tail Wagging said...

I love it! I started giggling immediately, because it's exactly how I feel about movies.

Tired of Previews said...

So glad you like it! Thanks!!