Monday, March 28, 2011

Beer Wars

Since joining Netflix this weekend, I got to watch a couple of movies instantly. What fun!! Why did I not switch sooner? I can't answer that but I am so happy I did now.

My husband likes watching documentaries and once in a while I will join him. So when he got the Netflix/Wii streaming Wi-fi thingamabobber set up - the first thing he chose to watch was "Beer Wars" - a documentary.

I wasn't planning on reviewing documentaries. Yes, I did already review one documentary - "Catfish" but instead of reviewing them I will just let you know about the ones that I feel are worth watching.

So, this leads me back to "Beer Wars". What a great view into the world of small breweries vs. large breweries. After viewing this - it will probably make you think twice about your next beer purchase - especially at the grocery or convenient stores. 

I think women should watch this documentary, in addition to all the beer enthusiasts. I was delighted to see how many women are in the beer business - both large and small. "Beer Wars" shows working moms and their struggle with the balance. In fact, the movie was produced, directed and narrated by a woman - Anat Baron.

This is a good one to watch. And for those of you who like Dogfish Head beer you must watch this. 


Lynda Coker said...

Following from "Pretty For Spring' Blog Hop.

Home of Fiber Artist Lynda Coker
Colorcrazed Custom Fabrics
BOLD - The FREE E-zine for Blogging enthusiasts
The Ocean Between – Romance for the True Romantic

Tired of Previews said...

Thanks Bold E-Zine. Will check your blog out!

Unknown said...

Great blog! Thanks for following me!! My hubby and I watched this movie! We both really liked it a lot!! I am going to go and read some of your reviews! I am interested in some of them! Thanks!

Tired of Previews said...

Thanks Love You Always. So happy to get feedback like this. I hope my blog inspires you to put some more movies on your list. :-)

Yvonne said...

SO thrilled to have found your blog through Shar's Blog Directory... I am new to it myself and wandered this way... I've only sifted through a few posts so far but look forward to more! New follower!

Tired of Previews said...

Thanks - you found an older one but I am glad you here!