Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Ghost Writer

Directed by Roman Polanski, RP Productions, 2010. Starring Ewan McGregor, Pierce Brosnan, Olivia Williams and Kim Cattral.

Genre: Mystery, Thriller.

Question: Which movie do you watch after the Oscars? Well, I landed on The Ghost Writer because it showed up in the mail this weekend. I suggest you choose another.

Most of you know why I even had this movie in my queue - Ewan McGregor, but this might be one of the worst thrillers I have seen in a while. There is a line in the movie about reading the book the ghost writer has to edit: "It is the cure for insomnia". Well, so was this movie. It took two attempts to watch this and it was a struggle to get through.

The pace was slow - not normal for a thriller. The dialogue seemed amateur, which is odd since this movie wasn't made by amateurs, and the plot didn't grab me and say "Oh, what is going to happen next". No tension at all - a main ingredient for a thriller/mystery.

If you have read some of my past reviews where I didn't like a movie, you will notice that I don't go into too much detail as to what I think was wrong with it. That is mainly because I want to forget the movie as soon as I can and not dwell on it. So, skip this one.

My favorite thing: As always - Ewan McGregor - but I will say there were 2 sets with some beautiful interior design that kept my interest more than what was going on in the film.

My least favorite: Where should I start....

Sequel possibility? Fortunately, no.

Did the previews ruin it by too much? I wish they had.

Rating: PG-13
Length: 128 minutes

Review: 2 out of 10



Unknown said...

I've seen this one and agree that it was slooowww! But, I love Ewan McGregor so I think I could watch him in just about anything, LOL! Even though it was slow, I still thought it was very suspenseful.

Tired of Previews said...

Yep - I see EVERYTHING he is in and rarely am I disappointed.